joi, 20 ianuarie 2022

Caldecott Medal : traduceri

Medalia Randolph Caldecott, pe scurt Medalia Caldecott, este un premiu anual pentru ”cea mai distinsă carte  ilustrată pentru copii” din America anului precedent. Se acordă ilustratorului acesteia de către ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children, o divizie a ALA adică American Library Association = Asociația Americană a Bibliotecilor). Pe lângă medalia în sine (locul 1), comitetul acordă și onorabilul loc 2 pentru un număr variabil (între unu și cinci) de cărți / ilustratori.
Premiul este numit după ilustratorul englez cu același nume.
Pentru a fi eligibilă Caldecott cartea trebuie să fie publicată în Statele Unite, în limba engleză iar ilustratorul să fie american.

Câștigarea premiului aduce după sine o creștere substanțială a vânzării cărții, respectiv, a notorietății ilustratorului. Marcia Brown este cea mai recunoscută ilustratoare Caldecott, fiind câștigătoare a trei medalii și ”onorată” pentru șase cărți.

Tabelul este preluat de pe Wikipedia (mulțumesc copy/paste, am lăsat linkul în titlul de mai jos) și completat cu aparițiile traduse în limba română. 
Dacă din neatenție sau neștiință am ratat vreo apariție vă rog să mi-o semnalați. Remediez!

O listă-joc prescurtată poate fi consultată AICI
Cărțile câștigătoare și onorate
1938Dorothy P. LathropAnimals of the BibleWinner
Robert LawsonFour and Twenty BlackbirdsHonor
Boris ArtzybasheffSeven Simeons: A Russian TaleHonor
1939Thomas HandforthMei LiWinner
James DaughertyAndy and the LionHonor
Clare Turlay NewberryBarkisHonor
Laura Adams ArmerThe Forest PoolHonor
Wanda GágSnow White and the Seven DwarfsHonor
Robert LawsonWee GillisHonor
1940Ingri and Edgar Parin d'AulaireAbraham LincolnWinner
Berta and Elmer HaderCock-a-Doodle DooHonor
Ludwig BemelmansMadeline 
vezi și 
versiunea animată
editura Arthur, 2015
traducere de Florin Bican
Lauren FordThe Ageless StoryHonor
1941Robert LawsonThey Were Strong and GoodWinner
Clare Turlay NewberryApril's KittensHonor
1942Robert McCloskeyMake Way for DucklingsWinner
Maud and Miska PetershamAn American ABCHonor
Velino HerreraIn My Mother's HouseHonor
Holling C. HollingPaddle-to-the-SeaHonor
Wanda GágNothing at All
editura Anacronic, 2019
traducere Cristina Lee
1943Virginia Lee BurtonThe Little House 
editura Cartea copiilor, 2014
traducere Andreea Demirgian
Mary and Conrad BuffDash and DartHonor
Clare Turlay NewberryMarshmallowHonor
1944Louis SlobodkinMany MoonsWinner
Elizabeth Orton JonesSmall Rain: Verses From The BibleHonor
Arnold E. BarePierre PidgeonHonor
Berta and Elmer HaderThe Mighty HunterHonor
Jean CharlotA Child's Good Night BookHonor
Plato ChanThe Good-Luck HorseHonor
1945Elizabeth Orton JonesPrayer for a ChildWinner
Tasha TudorMother GooseHonor
Marie Hall EtsIn the ForestHonor
Marguerite de AngeliYonie WondernoseHonor
Kate SeredyThe Christmas Anna AngelHonor
1946Maud and Miska PetershamThe Rooster CrowsWinner
Leonard WeisgardLittle Lost LambHonor
Marjorie TorreySing Mother GooseHonor
Ruth Stiles GannettMy Mother Is the Most Beautiful Woman in the WorldHonor
Kurt WieseYou Can Write ChineseHonor
1947Leonard WeisgardThe Little IslandWinner
Leonard WeisgardRain Drop SplashHonor
Jay Hyde BarnumBoats on the RiverHonor
Tony PalazzoTimothy TurtleHonor
Leo PolitiPedro, the Angel of Olvera StreetHonor
Marjorie TorreySing in Praise: A Collection of the Best Loved HymnsHonor
1948Roger DuvoisinWhite Snow, Bright SnowWinner
Marcia BrownStone SoupHonor
Dr. SeussMcElligot's PoolHonor
Georges SchreiberBambino the ClownHonor
Hildegard WoodwardRoger and the FoxHonor
Virginia Lee BurtonSong of Robin HoodHonor
1949Berta and Elmer HaderThe Big SnowWinner
Robert McCloskeyBlueberries for SalHonor
Helen StoneAll Around the TownHonor
Leo PolitiJuanitaHonor
Kurt WieseFish in the AirHonor
1950Leo PolitiSong of the SwallowsWinner
Lynd WardAmerica's Ethan AllenHonor
Hildegard WoodwardThe Wild Birthday CakeHonor
Marc SimontThe Happy DayHonor
Dr. SeussBartholomew and the OobleckHonor
Marcia BrownHenry FishermanHonor
1951Katherine MilhousThe Egg TreeWinner
Marcia BrownDick Whittington and His CatHonor
Nicholas MordvinoffThe Two RedsHonor
Dr. SeussIf I Ran the ZooHonor
Helen StoneThe Most Wonderful Doll in the WorldHonor
Clare Turlay NewberryT-Bone, the Baby SitterHonor
1952Nicholas MordvinoffFinders KeepersWinner
Marie Hall EtsMr. T. W. Anthony WooHonor
Marcia BrownSkipper John's CookHonor
Margaret Bloy GrahamAll Falling DownHonor
William Pène du BoisBear PartyHonor
Elizabeth OldsFeather MountainHonor
1953Lynd WardThe Biggest BearWinner
Marcia BrownPuss in BootsHonor
Robert McCloskeyOne Morning in MaineHonor
Fritz EichenbergApe in a Cape: An Alphabet of Odd AnimalsHonor
Margaret Bloy GrahamThe Storm BookHonor
Juliet KepesFive Little MonkeysHonor
1954Ludwig BemelmansMadeline's RescueWinner
Robert McCloskeyJourney Cake, Ho!Honor
Jean CharlotWhen Will the World Be Mine?Honor
Marcia BrownThe Steadfast Tin SoldierHonor
Maurice SendakA Very Special HouseHonor
A. BirnbaumGreen EyesHonor
1955Marcia BrownCinderella, or the Little Glass SlipperWinner
Marguerite de AngeliBook of Nursery and Mother Goose RhymesHonor
Tibor GergelyWheel on the ChimneyHonor
Helen SewellThe Thanksgiving StoryHonor
1956Feodor RojankovskyFrog Went A-Courtin'Winner
Marie Hall EtsPlay With MeHonor
Taro YashimaCrow BoyHonor
1957Marc SimontA Tree Is NiceWinner
Marie Hall EtsMr. Penny's Race HorseHonor
Tasha Tudor1 Is OneHonor
Paul GaldoneAnatoleHonor
James DaughertyGillespie and the GuardsHonor
William Pène du BoisLionHonor
1958Robert McCloskeyTime of WonderWinner
Don FreemanFly High, Fly LowHonor
Paul GaldoneAnatole and the CatHonor
1959Barbara CooneyChanticleer and the FoxWinner
Antonio FrasconiThe House that Jack Built: La Maison Que Jacques A BatieHonor
Maurice SendakWhat Do You Say, Dear?Honor
Taro YashimaUmbrellaHonor
1960Marie Hall EtsNine Days to ChristmasWinner
Adrienne AdamsHouses from the SeaHonor
Maurice SendakThe Moon JumpersHonor
1961Nicolas SidjakovBaboushka and the Three KingsWinner
Leo LionniInch by InchHonor
1962Marcia BrownOnce a MouseWinner
Peter SpierFox Went out on a Chilly Night: An Old SongHonor
Maurice SendakLittle Bear's VisitHonor
Adrienne AdamsThe Day We Saw the Sun Come UpHonor
1963Ezra Jack KeatsThe Snowy Day
vezi și versiunea animată
editura Arthur, 2017
traducere de Vlad Zografi
Bernarda BrysonThe Sun Is a Golden EarringHonor
Maurice SendakMr. Rabbit and the Lovely PresentHonor
1964Maurice SendakWhere the Wild Things Are
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Regele tuturor sălbăticiunilor
editura Arthur, 2019
traducere Roxana Jeler
Leo LionniSwimmy
editura Humanitas, 2021
traducere Liana Alexandru
Evaline NessAll in the Morning EarlyHonor
Philip ReedMother Goose and Nursery RhymesHonor
1965Beni MontresorMay I Bring a Friend?Winner
Marvin BileckRain Makes ApplesauceHonor
Blair LentThe WaveHonor
Evaline NessA Pocketful of CricketHonor
1966Nonny HogrogianAlways Room for One MoreWinner
Roger DuvoisinHide and Seek FogHonor
Marie Hall EtsJust MeHonor
Evaline NessTom Tit TotHonor
1967Evaline NessSam, Bangs & MoonshineWinner
Ed EmberleyOne Wide River to CrossHonor
1968Ed EmberleyDrummer HoffWinner
Leo LionniFrederick
editura Humanitas, 2014, 2017, 2021
traducere Adina Cobuz
Taro YashimaSeashore StoryHonor
Ed YoungThe Emperor and the KiteHonor
1969Uri ShulevitzThe Fool of the World and the Flying ShipWinner
Blair LentWhy the Sun and the Moon Live in the SkyHonor
1970William SteigSylvester and the Magic Pebble
Sylvester și pietricica fermecată
editura Arthur, 2016
traducere Laura Albulescu
Ezra Jack KeatsGoggles!Honor
Leo LionniAlexander and the Wind-Up Mouse
editura Humanitas, 2014
traducere de Adina Cobuz
Robert Andrew ParkerPop Corn & Ma GoodnessHonor
Brinton TurkleThy Friend, ObadiahHonor
Margot ZemachThe Judge: An Untrue TaleHonor
1971Gail E. HaleyA Story a StoryWinner
Blair LentThe Angry MoonHonor
Arnold LobelFrog and Toad Are Friends
Broscoi și brotac sunt prieteni
editura Cartea Copiilor, 2015
editura Portocala albastră, 2022
traducere Florin Bican
Maurice SendakIn the Night Kitchen
editura Arthur, 2019
traducere Florin Bican
1972Nonny HogrogianOne Fine DayWinner
Arnold LobelHildilid's NightHonor
Janina DomanskaIf All the Seas Were One SeaHonor
Tom FeelingsMoja Means One: Swahili Counting BookHonor
1973Blair LentThe Funny Little WomanWinner
Gerald McDermottAnansi the Spider: A Tale from the AshantiHonor
Leonard BaskinHosie's AlphabetHonor
Nancy Ekholm BurkertSnow-White and the Seven DwarfsHonor
Tom BahtiWhen Clay SingsHonor
1974Margot ZemachDuffy and the DevilWinner
Susan JeffersThree Jovial HuntsmenHonor
David MacaulayCathedralHonor
1975Gerald McDermottArrow to the SunWinner
Tom FeelingsJambo Means Hello: A Swahili Alphabet BookHonor
1976Leo and Diane DillonWhy Mosquitoes Buzz in People's EarsWinner
Peter ParnallThe Desert Is TheirsHonor
Tomie dePaolaStrega Nona
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Strega Nona
editura Arthur, 2018
traducere Vlad Russo
1977Leo and Diane DillonAshanti to Zulu: African TraditionsWinner
William SteigThe Amazing BoneHonor
Nonny HogrogianThe ContestHonor
M. B. GoffsteinFish for SupperHonor
Beverly Brodsky McDermottThe Golem: A Jewish LegendHonor
Peter ParnallHawk, I'm Your BrotherHonor
1978Peter SpierNoah's ArkWinner
David MacaulayCastleHonor
Margot ZemachIt Could Always Be WorseHonor
1979Paul GobleThe Girl Who Loved Wild HorsesWinner
Donald CrewsFreight TrainHonor
Peter ParnallThe Way to Start a DayHonor
1980Barbara CooneyOx-Cart ManWinner
Rachel IsadoraBen's TrumpetHonor
Chris Van AllsburgThe Garden of Abdul GasaziHonor
Uri ShulevitzThe TreasureHonor
1981Arnold LobelFables
editura Cartea copiilor, 2022
traducere Florin Bican

Ilse PlumeThe Bremen-Town MusiciansHonor
Molly BangThe Grey Lady and the Strawberry SnatcherHonor
Joseph LowMice TwiceHonor
Donald CrewsTruckHonor
1982Chris Van AllsburgJumanji
editura Arthur, 2018
traducere Laura Albulescu
Stephen GammellWhere the Buffaloes BeginHonor
Anita LobelOn Market StreetHonor
Maurice SendakOutside Over There
editura Arthur, 2020
traducere de Vlad Russo
Alice and Martin ProvensenA Visit to William Blake's Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced TravelersHonor
1983Marcia BrownShadowWinner
Vera B. WilliamsA Chair for My MotherHonor
Diane GoodeWhen I Was Young in the MountainsHonor
1984Alice and Martin ProvensenThe Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis BleriotWinner
Trina Schart HymanLittle Red Riding HoodHonor
Molly BangTen, Nine, EightHonor
1985Trina Schart HymanSaint George and the DragonWinner
Paul O. ZelinskyHansel and GretelHonor
Nancy TafuriHave You Seen My Duckling?Honor
John SteptoeThe Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American LegendHonor
1986Chris Van AllsburgThe Polar Express
Expresul polar
editura Arthur, 2014
traducere Radu Paraschivescu
Stephen GammellThe Relatives CameHonor
Don WoodKing Bidgood's in the BathtubHonor
1987Richard EgielskiHey, AlWinner
Ann GrifalconiThe Village of Round and Square HousesHonor
Suse MacDonaldAlphabaticsHonor
Paul O. ZelinskyRumpelstiltskinHonor
1988John SchoenherrOwl Moon
editura Arthur, 2023
traducere de Iulia Tudorie
John SteptoeMufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African TaleHonor
1989Stephen GammellSong and Dance ManWinner
Allen SayThe Boy of the Three-Year NapHonor
David WiesnerFree FallHonor
James MarshallGoldilocks and the Three BearsHonor
Jerry PinkneyMirandy and Brother WindHonor
1990Ed YoungLon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from ChinaWinner
Bill PeetBill Peet: An AutobiographyHonor
Lois EhlertColor ZooHonor
Jerry PinkneyThe Talking Eggs: A Folktale from the American SouthHonor
Trina Schart HymanHershel and the Hanukkah GoblinsHonor
1991David MacaulayBlack and WhiteWinner
Fred MarcellinoPuss in BootsHonor
Vera B. Williams"More More More," Said the Baby: Three Love StoriesHonor
1992David WiesnerTuesdayWinner
Faith RinggoldTar BeachHonor
1993Emily Arnold McCullyMirette on the High WireWinner
Lane SmithThe Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid TalesHonor
Ed YoungSeven Blind MiceHonor
Carole ByardWorking CottonHonor
1994Allen SayGrandfather's JourneyWinner
Ted LewinPeppe the LamplighterHonor
Denise FlemingIn the Small, Small PondHonor
Gerald McDermottRaven: A Trickster Tale From The Pacific NorthwestHonor
Kevin HenkesOwenHonor
Chris RaschkaYo! Yes?Honor
1995David DiazSmoky NightWinner
Jerry PinkneyJohn HenryHonor
Paul O. ZelinskySwamp AngelHonor
Eric RohmannTime FliesHonor
1996Peggy RathmannOfficer Buckle and GloriaWinner
Stephen T. JohnsonAlphabet CityHonor
Marjorie PricemanZin! Zin! Zin! a ViolinHonor
Brian PinkneyThe Faithful FriendHonor
Janet StevensTops & BottomsHonor
1997David WisniewskiGolem Winner
Holly MeadeHush!: A Thai LullabyHonor
David PelletierThe Graphic AlphabetHonor
Dav PilkeyThe PaperboyHonor
Peter SísStarry MessengerHonor
1998Paul O. ZelinskyRapunzelWinner
David SmallThe GardenerHonor
Christopher MyersHarlemHonor
Simms TabackThere Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a FlyHonor
1999Mary AzarianSnowflake Bentley
Willie fulg de nea
editura Frontiera, 2016, ?, 2021
traducere Sanda Watt
Brian PinkneyDuke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His OrchestraHonor
David ShannonNo, David!Honor
Uri ShulevitzSnowHonor
Peter SísTibet Through the Red BoxHonor
2000Simms TabackJoseph Had a Little Overcoat
citește cartea și vezi animația AICI
Trina Schart HymanA Child's Calendar 
editura Pandora M, 2018
traducere Domnica Drumea
David WiesnerSector 7Honor
Molly BangWhen Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really AngryHonor
Jerry PinkneyThe Ugly DucklingHonor
2001David SmallSo You Want to Be President?Winner
Christopher BingCasey at the BatHonor
Betsy LewinClick, Clack, Moo: Cows That TypeHonor
Ian FalconerOlivia
editura Arthur, 2015
traducere Laura Albulescu
2002David WiesnerThe Three Pigs
Cei trei purcei
editura Arthur, 2019
Radu Paraschivescu
Brian SelznickThe Dinosaurs of Waterhouse HawkinsHonor
Bryan CollierMartin's Big Words: the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Honor
Marc SimontThe Stray DogHonor
2003Eric RohmannMy Friend RabbitWinner
Tony DiTerlizziThe Spider and the FlyHonor
Peter McCartyHondo & FabianHonor
Jerry PinkneyNoah's ArkHonor
2004Mordicai GersteinThe Man Who Walked Between the TowersWinner
Margaret Chodos-IrvineElla Sarah Gets DressedHonor
Steve Jenkins and Robin PageWhat Do You Do with a Tail Like This?
editura Paralela 45, 2016
traducere Mihaela Pogonici
Mo WillemsDon't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
Nu lăsa porumbelul la volan!
editura Arthur, 2018
traducere Radu Paraschivescu
2005Kevin HenkesKitten's First Full MoonWinner
Barbara LehmanThe Red BookHonor
E. B. LewisComing on Home SoonHonor
Mo WillemsKnuffle Bunny: A Cautionary TaleHonor
2006Chris RaschkaThe Hello, Goodbye WindowWinner
Bryan CollierRosaHonor
Jon J. MuthZen ShortsHonor
Marjorie PricemanHot Air: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Hot-Air Balloon RideHonor
Beckie PrangeSong of the Water Boatman and Other Pond PoemsHonor
2007David WiesnerFlotsamWinner
David McLimansGone Wild: An Endangered Animal AlphabetHonor
Kadir NelsonMoses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to FreedomHonor
2008Brian SelznickThe Invention of Hugo Cabret
Invenția lui Hugo Cabret
editura Corint, 2007
traducere Mirella Acsente
Kadir NelsonHenry's Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground RailroadHonor
Laura Vaccaro SeegerFirst the EggHonor
Peter SísThe Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain
editura Curtea veche, 2010
traducere ?
Mo WillemsKnuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken IdentityHonor
2009Beth KrommesThe House in the Night
editura Cartea Copiilor, 2023
traducere de Florin Bican
Marla FrazeeA Couple of Boys Have the Best Week EverHonor
Uri ShulevitzHow I Learned GeographyHonor
Melissa SweetA River of Words: The Story of William Carlos WilliamsHonor
2010Jerry PinkneyThe Lion & the MouseWinner
Marla FrazeeAll the WorldHonor
Pamela ZagarenskiRed Sings from Treetops: A Year in ColorsHonor
2011Erin E. SteadA Sick Day for Amos McGee
Amos e răcit
editura Arthur, 2018
traducere de Andreea Caleman
Bryan CollierDave the Potter: Artist, Poet, SlaveHonor
David Ezra SteinInterrupting ChickenHonor
2012Chris RaschkaA Ball for DaisyWinner
John RoccoBlackoutHonor
Lane SmithGrandpa GreenHonor
Patrick McDonnellMe...JaneHonor
2013Jon KlassenThis is Not My HatWinner
Peter BrownCreepy Carrots!Honor
Jon KlassenExtra YarnHonor
Laura Vaccaro SeegerGreenHonor
David SmallOne Cool FriendHonor
Pamela ZagarenskiSleep Like a Tiger
Să dormi ca un tigru
editura Frontiera, 2019
traducere Ana Alfianu
2014Brian FlocaLocomotiveWinner
Aaron BeckerJourney
editura Arthur, 2017
Molly IdleFlora and the FlamingoHonor
David WiesnerMr. Wuffles!Honor
2015Dan SantatThe Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend
Aventurile lui Beekle
editura Pandora, 2018
traducere Luminița Gavrilă
Lauren CastilloNana in the City Honor
Mary GrandPréThe Noisy Paint Box: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky’s Abstract ArtHonor
Jon KlassenSam and Dave Dig a HoleHonor
Yuyi MoralesViva FridaHonor
Melissa SweetThe Right Word: Roget and His ThesaurusHonor
Jillian TamakiThis One SummerHonor
2016Sophie BlackallFinding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous BearWinner
Bryan CollierTrombone ShortyHonor
Kevin HenkesWaitingHonor
Ekua HolmesVoice of Freedom: Fannie Lou Hamer, Spirit of the Civil Rights MovementHonor
Christian RobinsonLast Stop on Market Street
editura Pandora M, 2017
traducere de Luminița Gavrilă
2017Javaka SteptoeRadiant Child: The Story of Young Artist Jean-Michel BasquiatWinner
Vera BrosgolLeave Me Alone!Honor
R. Gregory ChristieFreedom in Congo SquareHonor
Carson EllisDu Iz Tak?Honor
Brendan WenzelThey All Saw a Cat
Cu toții au văzut o pisică
editura Arthur, 2017
traducere de Diana Zografi
2018Matthew CordellWolf in the SnowWinner
Elisha CooperBig Cat, little catHonor
Gordon C. JamesCrown: An Ode to the Fresh CutHonor
Thi BuiA Different PondHonor
Jason ChinGrand CanyonHonor
2019Sophie BlackallHello LighthouseWinner
Juana Martinez-NealAlma and How She Got Her NameHonor
Grace LinA Big Mooncake for Little StarHonor
Brian LiesThe Rough Patch
editura Gama, 2021
traducere de Diana Soare
Oge MoraThank You, Omu!Honor
2020Kadir NelsonThe UndefeatedWinner
LeUyen PhamBear Came Along
editura Katartis, 2022
traducere de Simina Răchițeanu
Rudy GutierrezDouble Bass BluesHonor
Daniel MinterGoing Down Home with DaddyHonor
2021Michaela GoadeWe Are Water ProtectorsWinner
Noa DenmonA Place Inside of MeHonor
Yuko ShimizuThe Cat Man of AleppoHonor
Cozbi A. CabreraMe & MamaHonor
Cindy DerbyOutside InHonor


Jason Chin



Shawn Harris

Have You Ever Seen a Flower?


Corey R. Tabor

Mel Fell


Floyd Cooper

Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre


Micha Archer

Wonder Walkers



Doug Salati

Hot Dog


Jason Griffin

Ain't Burned All the Bright


Michaela Goade

Berry Song


Janelle Washington

Choosing Brave: How Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmitt Till Sparked the Civil Rights Movement


Christopher Denise

Knight Owl



Vashti Harrison



Marla Frazee

In Every Life


Molly Mendoza

Jovita Wore Pants: The Story of a Mexican Freedom Fighter


Jerome Pumphrey and Jarrett Pumphrey

There Was a Party for Langston


Hanna Cha

The Truth About Dragons


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